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Mortgage360, a boutique mortgage brokerage with offices in Calgary and Red Deer, will launch an innovative, yet simple approach to real estate education beginning in 2015.

“The market conditions in Calgary are perfect for smart long term investment in real estate,” says Nolan Matthias, co-founder of Mortgage360. “The fundamentals are sound. The Calgary real estate market is showing less volatility than in years past. Large jumps in prices, either up or down, seem less likely than at any other time since 2006.”

“Combined with low vacancy rates, rising rents, positive net migration, and affordability, which according to the RBC report on Housing Trends and Affordability remains at historically favorable levels, we feel the time is right to start teaching Calgarians how to properly invest in real estate with long term wealth accumulation in mind.”

“We want to help people plan for their future. Whether it is having monthly cash flow to fund a retirement, or create a practical strategy to fund a child’s education, we believe we have a system that not only works, but is based on something that everyone understands – their home.”

Mortgage360’s approach will be simple and will focus on low risk investment strategies. “This isn’t going to be the type of education you would get from a late night infomercial or a cross country dog and pony show that is more about selling books and cd’s at the back of the room, than helping people actually build wealth.”

The Cash Flow Club will be completely free of charge. Participants will apply via the Mortgage360 website to attend one of the weekly classes. If chosen, participants will then be educated on how to buy real estate using techniques that are fair, honest, and proven.

“The application process will be critical to the success of the club. Because we already have a significant amount of interest from past clients, and only so many spaces, we are going to be selective about whom we choose to join us. We expect the demand to be high given that these are free, no obligation classes. Furthermore, we want to make sure the information remains free, and that we don’t have to start charging for our time.”

When asked what the benefit to Mortgage360 is for teaching the classes, Matthias was honest in his approach. The company will be paid by lenders in exchange for arranging the mortgages on revenue properties purchased by club members. What we provide in value by way of education, we expect to receive in return by setting club members up with the right mortgage strategies and the right lenders.

Club meetings will cover everything from why Calgary and why now, to balancing your portfolio, qualifying for financing, finding the right revenue property, and finding and selecting tenants.

For more information, or to apply for the Mortgage360 Cash Flow Club, go to mortgage360.ca/cash-flow.

Nolan Matthias holds a degree in Economics, is an Accredited Mortgage Professional, and the author of The Mortgaged Millionaire. Mortgage360 was founded by Nolan & Jen Matthias in 2010, and established itself as a stand-alone brokerage in November of 2014.